Our Story

We are now ready to fight malnutrition at scale:

We have created a delicious product with a proven impact that children like.
It has been tested and researched by ICMR- National Institure of Nutrition.
Made in India

Our Inspiration

After living in New York for 23 years, Amit Sharma returned to his native India with the desire to do something meaningful for underprivileged children. He became inspired to create a food product that would provide adequate protein, iron and much needed micronutrients for children suffering from malnutrition.

Challenges We Faced

After lengthy consideration, we decided to use Spirulina as our protein base, but faced many challenges with its unpleasant odor and taste. We enlisted a team at the Applied Science University Of Bern, Switzerland to create a product that could scientifically eliminate the perceived inherent organoleptic challenges of Spirulina resulting in a delicious gummy that children would eagerly ingest. When we were satisfied with our product, a pilot was launched at Bosch in Germany to determine the feasibility of large industrial production.

Once the prototype was made, the product was introduced to the Indian Government (PMO / Niti Aayog / Health Ministry) who took keen interest in it for their local programs to eliminate malnutrition. They decided to run a safety analysis sponsored by ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) through NIN (National Institute of Nutrition) to ensure its safety for children.
The Study of Acute / Chronic / Composition Analysis was completed in January 2020 with positive results. To support our results even further, three trial studies were conducted to provide data of the benefits and growth achieved by children taking the gummy.
“I have a long list of people to thank that I have met along this journey who have encouraged and helped me knowingly or unknowingly put this entire project together. I will always be grateful to them.”
